Central Kalimantan Travel Guide
Kalimantan is the biggest province on the island, covering 153,800 square kilometers, most of which is jungle. The northern area is mountainous and difficult to reach, the central dense tropical forest and the south swampy with many rivers. The three Dayak sub-tribes who inhabit this province are the Ngaju, Ot Danum, and Ma’anyan Ot Siang. The Ngaju people are nomadic, adhering to old Kaharingan religion, a form of ancestor worship combined with elements of animism. With an approximate population of 6,000, the Ot Danum is the largest among the three sub-tribes.
The Ot Danums live in longhouses which sometimes have as many as 50 rooms. The women are known for their skill in plaiting rattan, palm leaves, and bamboo. Like other Dayaks, the men are good hunters, using only simple hunting tools. The art of Central Kalimantan clearly bear the marks of the Kaharingan religion, the traditional belief of the Dayaks in the hinterland of Central Kalimantan. Building styles, statues and carvings have been influenced by the Chinese, and Hindu-Javanese. Aside from their aesthetic value, many objects are appreciated for their magical properties.
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Central Kalimantan Places of Interest
can easily be reached from Jakarta, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Balikpapan and other points on the island by air. The town is the center of government, trade and education of the province. The Regional Museum of Palangkaraya contains a collection of historical and cultural interest from all over Central Kalimantan.
Kuala Kapuas
is located on the Kapuas River, 40 kilometers from Banjarmasin. A well-known tourist attraction is Telo Island, a pleasant fishing village and port. For the more adventurous, white water rafting aficionados and nature lovers, there is the Gohong Rawai, known for its beautiful and challenging rapids. The gold mines of Taweh and Batu Api in Rungan District are also worth visiting. In this region, gold mining is a major source of livelihood for the people, who pan for the valuable metal using old traditional techniques.
is the biggest timber port in Kalimantan. The Orchid Park of Pembuangan Hulu is home to a large variety of rare and beautiful orchids. Hunters can engage in their favorite pastime in a hunting park at Kotawaringin.
Make sure to visit the old Palace of Pangkalanbun, constructed completely out of local ulin (iron wood). It is the only Banjar royal legacy found in Central Kalimantan.
The Tanjung Puting National Park
is a well-known nature and wildlife reserve in the lowland and swamp forests. It is a sanctuary for orangutans, gibbons, proboscis monkeys and other primates. Visitors can visit the Orangutan Rehabilitation Center, which is supported by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
Central Kalimantan Tour
Central kalimantan is one of five provinces in Kalimantan on Indonesian part of Borneo and the third biggest province in Indonesia and 80 percent of the area consists of tropical forest, mangrove, rivers and agriculture also famous for orangutan tours. The orangutans here are highly protected because of their increasingly threatened existence. By visiting the reservation this animal people were hoped will be able to grow awareness to preserve fellow beings.
Other than the orangutan, what become famous from Central kalimantan is dayak tours. Dayak is the native that live in Borneo. They dwell in hills and riverine. Seeing the life of local is also one of the unique Central Kalimantan tours. The dayak, the life of orangutan, and the mangrove forest becoming the main Central Kalimantan points of interest.
How to get to Central Kalimantan is easy. The best choice to come here is by using airlines. If you are foreigner, you can fly first to Jakarta. After that continue the trip with fly again to Pangkalan Bun, the popular Central Kalimantan aiport. From this airport, you will be picked up and then start the trip in Kalimantan. We have packages start from 3 days 2 nights, 4 days 3 nights, and 7 days 6 nights.
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