Borobudur Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the world
Who does not know Borobudur? This temple has been very popular after it becomes the largest and most complex temple in the world. People usually know from the fact of Borobudur temple 7 wonders. Yes, appears as one of UNESCO seven wonders, making the temple known by the eyes of the world. Located in a strategic place, now it has been successful to attract tourists that come to Yogyakarta. It feels odd if going to Jogjakarta without visiting this magnificent temple.
Today, there are many packages in Borobudur tour. Visitor that wants to come and enjoy it can choose the best one. There is also Borobudur sunrise or sunset package to see amazing bewitching panorama of sunrise in the morning and sunset in the evening. No one can refuse this trip. Here you may find example borobudur tour.
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Facts and Brief History
Before going too far about tour in Borobudur, you need to at least understand its brief history and some amazing facts. This temple is actually located in Borobudur village, Magelang city, Central Java. It was built at that time by Mahayana Buddhist in the reign of Syailendra in 8th century AD. This temple is the biggest shrine in the world and the biggest monument of Buddha. Not only that, the temple has the most complete Buddha relief in the world. Borobudur history is actually holds lot of mysteries. No one knows exactly who built this temple and in whom era this temple is exist. Although it is written in the current history that it was built in the days of Syailendra, it is actually only an estimation of the archaeologists after seeing the script contained in the body of the temple with a script commonly used to write inscriptions at that time. It is yet unknown whether the temple was built in that era or not, and who took the initiative to build this temple.
Some experts believe that Borobudur is a unique temple that built above the prehistoric lake that has dried out. This takes the symbol of lotus in Buddha Mahayana. Lotus in the middle of the lake, being an iconography of Buddha arts. Rather than being built in the flat land, the temple was built on top of the hill. It has the most complicated architecture that becomes human struggle to achieve peace and nirvana. Perfecting themselves to be a true Buddha.
Therefore the building is divided into three levels. The lowest level is called Kamadhatu. This level is the lowest and it tells about the condition of man who is still full of karma or lust. 160 panels that tell the world of lust are here. The second level is called Rupadhatu. Symbolize the man who has begun to master his passions, but still bound by his physical properties and worldly forms. Reliefs still can be found in this ground. The third highest level, called Arupadhatu, is a world where man is not attached to the physical and the worldly form again, but has not yet reached nirvana. On the third floor there is no relief anymore. There are only 72 Buddha statues sitting inside the stupa surrounding the temple. The biggest stupa that became the peak of Borobudur is the symbol of nirvana itself. This stupa is empty as a symbol of silence as well as the sanctity of nirvana.
Borobudur was abandoned around the reign of King Mpu Sindok as he moved his royal center to East Java. This is a sad Borobudur fact. The cause is still unknown but is estimated due to the eruptions of Mount Merapi which is very powerful that has near location from the temple. After that, this temple became very neglected and overgrown with plants until its look like a hill during the period of Islam in Java.
Rediscovery occurred when Sir Thomas Raffles became governor of England for Java. He found this temple and named it Borobudur according to the name of the village where the temple was found by him. But, only in 1907, began the restoration of this temple.
Borobudur temple history still continues. Now, as the biggest Buddha temple in the world, it becomes the target of Buddhist around the world to worship and pray. As a temple that still use for worshiping, on the great feast of Buddhists such as Vesak, there will be many monks and people performing the celebration services. This would be a special tourist attraction in Vesak day. Buddhist people will usually also visited Mendut and Pawon temple that is located near Borobudur. These three temples are supposed to have interrelated functions in the past given their close proximity.
Read also:
- Borobudur Selogriyo Temple Tour
- Borobudur Sunrise Selogriyo Temple Tour
- Borobudur Village Tour (cycling / horse car)
- Sunrise Borobudur Merapi Jeep Tour
- Sunrise Borobudur Prambanan Tour
- Borobudur Prambanan City Tour
- Sunrise Borobudur & Cycling Village Tour
Borobudur Entrance Fee and Opening Hours
Borobudur temple entrance fee 2023 is divided into five different packages. That is the general entrance fee to enter only Borobudur, Borobudur and Prambanan entrance fee, Borobudur and Ratu Boko entrance fee, Borobudur sunrise entrance fee, and Borobudur sunset fee. All have different prices and different Borobudur opening hours. For the domestic general ticket, the price for kids is 20.000 rupiahs, and for adult is 50.000 rupiahs. Different with the domestic ticket price, the ticket for foreign tourist is up to $25. With this ticket, you can go to Borobudur as long as you want. The opening hour for this general entrance ticket is from 9 a.m until 5 p.m.
There are also two other packages for Borobudur and Prambanan tour, and Borobudur and Ratu Boko tour. For the Borobudur and Prambanan tour, the domestic ticket is up to 75.000 rupiahs and for foreigner is up to 40$, while for Borobudur and Ratu Boko tour, the Borobudur entrance fee for domestic tourist is 75.000 rupiahs and foreigner is 45$.
Other than those has been described, there are still new two other packages, that is Borobudur sunrise and Borobudur sunset tour. Today, to enjoy the beauty of this buddhist temple, visitor can buy the sunrise and sunset ticket in Manohara hotel near the temple. What is offered by the sunrise and sunset tour? Come in the early morning to see the beauty of sunrise while you take a walk inside. Visitor can take the best picture and feel how the nature around the temple welcomes them. The opening hour for the sunrise tour is 4.30 a.m. The Borobudur sunrise entrance fee is 300.000 rupiahs for the domestic tourist and 450.000 rupiahs for the foreign tourist. Here you can find more information about sunrise borobudur tour.
Different with the sunrise tour, the Borobudur sunset offers the visitor the tranquility of the temple accompanied by a purplish orange sky that characterizes the sun which about to set. The entrance ticket price is the same as the sunrise tour, and the opening hour starts from 4.30 a.m. When the sun is down, visitor can feel the magical nuance inside which increases the excitement in taking photos or just mingle around the temple.
Borobudur: How to Get There
The last information that you should know about the temple is how to get to Borobudur safely and without any obstacle. Actually getting there is easy, everybody in Yogyakarta has already know the route to the temple. But your first position to come to this temple requires a little explanation in order to provide the best option later on. So, for example, how to get to Borobudur from Jakarta? One option is to go by airplane. First to do is go to Soekarno-Hatta airport then directly fly to Adisucipto International Airport at Jogjakarta. Though it is located in Magelang city, but the city has no airport, and the closest airport is in Yogyakarta. From the international airport, use taxi, or if you use our shuttle service at Pamitran, you can ask us to pick you up in the airport and then headed to the temple in Magelang. Other way is to use train. Just go to the train station in Jakarta and directly go to Tugu Jogja Station. From the station you can go by taxi to Borobudur.
The second option is if you want to go to Borobudur from Bali. How to get to Borobudur from Bali is using the airlines. This is the most efficient way to go to Yogyakarta directly from Bali. Choose direct flight from Bali to Jogjakarta, and after you arrive in the city, you can go to Borobudur that takes for about one hour to go.
What if you go from Singapore? Don’t worry, there is still way how to get to Borobudur from Singapore. Since nowadays there are direct flights from Singapore to Yogyakarta, you can take that option. It takes two hours thirty minutes to go. After arrive in Yogyakarta airport, you can go to Borobudur in Magelang. But how to get to Borobudur from Yogyakarta airport? It’s easy. One way is by using taxi. It costs for about 30$ and not more than that, to and from Borobudur. But the easiest way is if you use some travel agent that can pick you up in the airport. It much simpler and you can be flexible to go in other site if you are enough with Borobudur. In this case, you can use our service at Pamitran. Don’t be shy to make a call. We are here to help you arrange the trip.